Dennis Weidner – Update 2023

Liebe Freunde, Business Partner & Kollegen Wir leben in herausfordernden Zeiten. Die letzten Jahre haben uns aufgezeigt, dass der Status Quo sich in Lichtgeschwindigkeit ändern kann. Als ich vor ziemlich genau 10 Jahren mein erstes Startup gegründet habe, hätte ich mir wohl kaum vorstellen können nun 10 Jahre später noch mit der gleichen Leidenschaft tagtäglich

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Business Resume in Times of Covid-19

To Zoom or Not to Zoom?  If there is something that home office has shown myself and my team it is the importance of both efficiency and human factor. When I speak about the human factor at work it can be a simple exchange by the coffee maker or even knowing when a colleague is

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2020 Review

It has been some time since I have had the chance to update my personal blog. But always, around the end of the year, I like to think back on what has happened. The milestones passed and successes won are important to reflect on. Sometimes it seems like everything happens so quickly I do not

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No Time for Updates -Just Sprints

Right now the team and I are hustling hard while working towards some big milestones with ePilot Mobility. This is the reason why I have not found the time to post a blog article in a while. That being said, I wanted to post something short and sweet because I am in a good mood. Here

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100 Day Sprint for ePilot Mobility

Starting in June there has been some major momentum happening with ePilot. To those new to my blog, ePilot makes it easy for employers to provide eco-friendly mobility services (e-scooters, e-bikes, e-mopeds, e-cars) as an employee benefit. It was just about 1 year ago that the first line of code was published on Github for

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Remaining Positive

Dear friends, clients, and business partners,  Paranoid Internet is following recommendations from the German government to ensure the health and safety of our employees and the Berlin community at large. Earlier this month we switched to home office. What we found was not a reduction in work or productivity, but actually a well paced work

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New Milestones and Countries for ePilot

Back in the Paranoid Internet offices in Berlin I finally have time to sit down and think about my marathon schedule from the past one and a half weeks. To put it simply: Four different countries Four very different perspectives One and a half weeks concentrating on ePilot milestones London: Move 2020 My trip started

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What can you do in 3 days?

(Die deutsche Version finden Sie unten.) Just a few days left in the first month of 2020! What can you make happen in the next 3 days?  I would like to start off by sharing a long time mantra of mine. As a founder I am driven by things like visible progress or positively performing

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Welcome to the Age of Voice

Scroll down for the German version of this article. Dear Readers,  When I restarted my founder blog in April of 2019 I had no idea the impact it would have on my community of friends and followers. I am thankful for the interesting conversations my articles have sparked and humbled by how many people read

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Crypto Update

After my recent trip to Singapore, I wanted to share an absolute deep dive on all the projects and new learnings from CoinMarketCap’s conference, The Capital and Cointelegraph’s Blockshow Asia. However, to provide a deep dive into all the topics I think I would have to write an entire book. So for now, let me

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The Big 3 for the Next 3 Weeks

Weeks like these make me happy to be a founder. I have been camped out in our Berlin offices for an almost endless stream of meetings and calls. There is a certain energy in a startup that I think many of us know and love. The sense that things are moving forward and new opportunities

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Everything Can Be Optimized

Optimizing ePilot In this blog I want to give a little bit behind the scenes look into founder life. Not in some photoshopped everything-is-perfect-all-the-time sort of way, but a genuine, real look. If a young founder is reading this blog, I want you to know that being flexible, adaptable, as well as a bit of

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eMobility as a Service with ePilot

From upcoming trends to politics, my ambitious travel schedule often allows me a very international outlook. That being said, at times I find myself faced with my German perspective.  One considerable point to note is that over the past 20 years, the transportation sector in Germany has made no measurable contribution to reduce greenhouse gas

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Startups, Corporates and Innovation

Looking at my upcoming schedule these are three topics I will be focusing on: startups, corporates and innovation. As a founder and entrepreneur, I find it imperative to keep myself up-to-date on a multitude of business arenas, albeit this often happens to coincide with the ones I find most interesting. I will be attending three

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Dennis Weider in OMR

Medical Cannabis or Cosmetic? Taking risks or ROI Rewards

If you have met me in person either through business or my travels, you will know that nothing gets me more excited than a startup pitch with unicorn potential or predicting the next market trend. This zeal for the unknown and the “next big thing” is embedded into the core values of my marketing agency,

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12 Month Founder Update

From C3 Crypto Conference 2018 to C3 Crypto Conference 2019 – My Founder life for the past 12 months. The past year has been an intense but fruitful ride. Managing all of my projects on top of an intense travel schedule has been hectic, to say the least. This is why I would like to

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Zwischen Theorie und Praxis

Zwischen Theorie und Praxis Wenn die Wochen vergehen und dein Blog sich fühlt, wie eine Wüstenblume ohne Regen, dann wird Dir klar, dass Du in einer ganz besonderen Situation bist – zwischen Praxis und Theorie. Anfang des Jahres habe ich Euch versprochen, dass ich Euch mit auf meine Reise ins Unternehmertum nehmen möchte. Tatsächlich habe

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Dennis Weidner Spielwaren Messe 2016

Zwischen Spielwaren, Spielbetrieb und dem "Big Game"

Hallo meine Lieben, Der frühe Vogel hatte sich gestern mal wieder bei uns verirrt. Unseren Start ins Wochenende haben wir gestern daher schon um 5 Uhr in der früh „gefeiert“. Nach den morgendlichen Ritualien starteten wir um 5:45 Uhr los zum Flughafen. Dank modernster Technik in der Hosentasche, haben wir mit Car2Go bereits um 5:20 Uhr einen Pakt geschlossen

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Berlin: Fashion Week 2016

Hallo Ihr Lieben, das Jahr 2016 nimmt allmählich, aber stetig, wieder an Fahrt auf. Die Terminkalender füllen sich und die ersten Highlights des jungen Jahres 2016 stehen bevor. Diese Woche verschlägt es mich erneut nach Berlin. In der Hauptstadt laden die Modemacher, Labels, Designer und Fashion Startups wieder zu Ihren Messe-Ständen, Showrooms, Fashion Partys &

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